We are at the forefront of a new era of hardware development that embraces the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to accelerate progress and unleash engineer brilliance. Our vision is fueled by the core values of Agile Hardware Development that prioritize:

Iterative development over rigid planning – a process of continuous improvement that emphasizes small, incremental changes over large, infrequent changes. It involves rapid prototyping, testing, and feedback to ensure that the product is constantly evolving and improving.

Modularity over monolithic systems – a practice of designing a hardware system as independent modules with defined interfaces allows for testing, optimization, and replacement without affecting the entire system. Modularity maximizes reuse, reduces redundancy, and enables easier maintenance and scaling.

Concurrent engineering over sequential processes – a collaborative approach to product development that involves cross-functional teams working together in real-time to speed up the development process. It emphasizes communication, collaboration, and shared understanding to ensure that all team members are working towards a common goal.

A better world of hardware development

By following these values and embracing AI, we are uncovering better ways of developing hardware that enable us to:

  1. Unleash engineer brilliance:
  2. Innovate at an unprecedented pace:
  3. Create more reliable and scalable products:
  4. Foster collaboration and diversity of ideas:

We believe that by following these values and harnessing the power of AI, we can create a better world of hardware development. Our focus on working hardware, welcoming changing requirements, simplicity, sustainable development, and shared ownership of outcomes enables us to unleash the power of AI to make a positive impact on the world.